Cisco Unity Voicemail System Update; March 25, 2025
Beginning March 25, 2025, UC Davis will update the Cisco Unity Voicemail System to free up storage space for users and to provide consistency between campus phone systems. On this date two changes will take effect, impacting only Cisco phone users.
- All voicemail messages 30 days and older will be deleted from the Cisco Unity Voicemail System.
- Any new voicemails received in the Cisco Unity Voicemail System will have a 30-day life cycle.
Please note, these changes do not impact Cisco voicemail messages received in email.
How to Prepare
Cisco phone users are encouraged to review current messages in the Cisco Unity Voicemail System and plan to regularly review messages, saving any you want to keep. Follow the steps below to save voicemail messages from the Unity Self Care Portal.
- Navigate to Unity Self Care Portal at http://unity.ucdavis.edu/ (must be on campus or using a VPN to access).
- Enter your UC Davis computing account Kerberos ID and passphrase to login.

- Highlight the message that needs to be saved and right-click on the message.wav link.

- On the next dialogue box, click Save to download the file to your device.
You can find this information and instructions on how to save voicemails from Zoom Phone in this Knowledge Base article: https://kb.ucdavis.edu/?id=10200
Why is this happening?
This Cisco Unity Voicemail System update will free up voicemail storage space for many users. It provides consistency between campus phone systems, such as Zoom Phone, which already has a 30-day lifecycle for messages. This change is also more cost-effective for the university.
Get Support
IT Express is available to answer your or end user questions about how to save messages from the Cisco Unity Voicemail System. Email IT Express at ithelp@ucdavis.edu or call 530-754-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 7 AM – 6 PM.