
  • IT Services Committee
  • Who: The IT Services Committee is a forum for all UC Davis IT staff to share and learn the wide variety of IT services available to the campus, and within individual units. Its purpose is to foster collaboration across units and informs the CIO on new services and changes to existing services.
    When: 4th Tuesday of every month at 10 a.m.
  • IT Security Committee
  • Who: The IT Security Committee is a forum for all UC Davis IT professionals from all backgrounds, and all different levels of information security literacy, involved and/or interested in infosec to learn about ongoing IT security projects at the campus or individual unit level. Its purpose is to provide two-way communication between ISO and campus units, as well as foster connections among the campus infosec community and better leverage the expertise within the community. 
    When: 1st Tuesday of every month at 10 a.m.
    Contact: Shannon Chee or Carlos Barahona for more information
  • Deans' Technology Council
  • Who: Deans' Technology Council members
    When: Last Thursday of the month, 2 - 3:30 p.m.
    Contact: Visit this webpage for more information about the Council
  • Academic Senate Committee on Information Technology
  • What: Information Technology advises the Vice Provost and the Davis Division on all policies and practices of information technology and telecommunications.
    Who: Members of the Academic Senate Committee on Information Technology
    Contact: Visit this webpage for more information about the Committee
  • CIO Strategic Advisory Council
  • Who: The CIO Council is a multi-disciplinary group of stakeholders—including representatives of academic, research, administrative and student perspectives—to advise me and other campus decision makers regarding IT strategy, investments, and services for the benefit of the campus.
    Contact: Mark Thonen for more information


  • uConnect Administrators
  • Who: uConnect Administrators
    When: 3rd Thursday of every month -  9:30-10:30 AM
    Contact: Quico Gonzalez for more information
  • Technology Support Program
  • Who: The Technology Support Program (TSP) at UC Davis gives campus technologists the opportunity to network with one another, share knowledge and experience, and make announcements about new developments, etc.
    When: TSP meetings are held the second Friday of each month
    Contact: for more information
  • ServiceNow User’s Group (SNUG)
  • Who: ServiceNow users at UC Davis
    When:  Every third Thursday of the month (via Zoom)
    Contact:  ITSM for more information
  • Application Developer's SIG
  • Who: If you write code for UC Davis full-time, part-time, on-contract, or even as an unofficial part of your job, please join this SIG.
    When: 2nd Tuesday of every month at 11 a.m.
    Contact: See for more information
  • SiteFarm Co-working Session
  • Who: Campus SiteFarm users
    When: Meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 11:30 a.m. 
    Where: Slack #sitefarm channel
  • Who: Campus Amazon Web Services users
    When: Meets every 4 weeks on Wednesdays from 1pm to 2pm via zoom
    Contact: email for more information